Madonna as never seen before
Fellow artist Erna Kaluza praises, “Virtues of the Soul… is another great painting by the very talented Portuguese artist Oscar Casares. The beautiful likeness of Madonna with the three magnificent white tigers by her side is centered on a nebulous background that seems to hold the mysteries of the universe hidden within. Madonna’s red gown elegantly drapes her slender body, the true sheerness of the material evident only at her legs. It is a vision of beauty, elegance and mystery.”
Size of painting - 260 cm x 180 cm
Materials - Oil on linen canvas
Time table - From November, 2008 to April, 2009
Schedule imposed to finish work - 8 to 16 hours daily
Total labor invested - 2,700 hours
If you want to comment on this page, please leave your message via: geral@oscar-casares.com
Gracias por hacer que los niños sigan teniendo sueños,te felicito. Adriana - Argentina
That’s very nice of you Oscar. I would love to do the same, it’s one of my greatest dream. good luck and god bless you. - Indonesia
good luck with that Oscar every little bit we do to help does help the underprivledgeeed children in this world of ours best of luck love, Judy - Canarias
Oscar, a great artist with a big heart! Congratulations!
Kisses, Margherita - Italy
Dear Mr. Casares,
...pleased to meet you, Oscar!
It’s good to have you as a friend...
I love your great works of art, that you develop in every detail, with beautiful natural colors. Your gives people life on canvas.
I`m very impressed from your wonderful art work, I am a commission portrait artist and you beautiful art work inspiring me .
Thank you so much for sharing!
Best regards en have a nice day,
Eliane - Belgium
Really fantastic! I hope to see it the next time in Italy. Congratulations, Oscar. - Italy
M with white tiggers makes our queen even powerful, meaning that your painting is very powerful - David - France
The painting is phenomenal. You’re awesome - United States
This is amazing Oscar, I really love it. Are you going to have if for sale or it is already part of a private collection if not yours ? If I do something like this , hey I keep it! This is an amazing work of art, congratulations and I really hope that Madonna will see it herself and congratulates you as well. I mean , she looks alive on this portrait. A really amazing honor for her and for all her fans including me. Cuidate!!!! -
Raul (Icon. Madonna) - Miami, FL
Parabéns Óscar.
Os portugueses fazem melhor, basta ver os teus trabalhos.
Grande artista,
Guerra - Portugal
É com enorme prazer que o felicito pelo seu sucesso! Se há pessoas que so nos grandes mestres do passado reconhecem obras-primas, claro está que ainda nao tiveram o prazer de apreciar as tuas! Os meus sinceros parabéns pelo teu percurso e pelo amor ao teu sonho.
Cordialmente, Cesar Legath Alonso - Portugal
Photo by Valentina in Icon.Madonna
Ciao Oscar,
have a great weekend..
I’m very glad to see live your wonderful painting in Biennale..
Valentina (Icon.Madonna) - Italy
The fine masterpiece is painted and written by you, dear Oskar. Cngratulations !!!! BRAVO & BRAVO!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Georgia
Dear Oscar, Saw this Fantastic work live at the Biennale in Florence. Great! Wishing you a healthy ,happy, exciting and successful new year - Netherlands
Hi Oscar, my best wishes in this 2010.
Another fresh new year is here . . .
Another year to live!
To banish worry, doubt, and fear,
To love and laugh and give!
This bright new year is given me
To live each day with zest . . .
To daily grow and try to be
My highest and my best!
I have the opportunity
Once more to right some wrongs,
To pray for peace, to plant a tree,
And sing more joyful songs!”
Happy New Year 2010!! - Mexico
Fantástico trabalho amigo Oscar! Quer dizer todos os seus trabalhos são fantásticos! Um abraço.
Pedro Prata - Portugal
Happy New Year 2010!
I have been to the Biennale in Florence. The painting is so beautiful!!! Awesome!!!! - South Tyrol
The star between the stars! Fantastic! Congratulations,my dear friend Oscar! Extraordinary work! Best wishes - Yugoslav Republic
Caro Oscar, ho visto la tua opera d’arte dal vivo alla Biennale, molto bella e molto visitati, ben meritato! Grazie per aver onorato noi - Italy
Oscar, this painting is absolutely extraordinary! As strong and unusual. A true masterpiece! An excellent design, a creative composition and very balanced. A new vision of Madonna that escapes of the stereotypes linked to the pop star’s image. It is certainly a painting that marks the contemporary art and the portrait history. It is no coincidence that this artwork was considered the most important painting of Florence Biennale 2009.
I was at the opening and I saw you, but I was quite inhibited!!!
My sincere congratulations - Florennce/Italy
MASTERPIECE, my dear friend Oscar! This such beutiful woman in red dress looks like angel between strong protectors-tigers,but astronomical elements speak about her inside humanity and big artistic possibilities!Bravo,my dear friend! Marry Christmas and Happy New year! Wish you all the best and meny successes(professional and personal)!Warm regards - Macedonia
Your work is clearly impressive on it’s own but when it is teamed with your writing it gains so much more. very impressive work and knowledge of our craft. paint on! - Chicago, IL
This is one of the best-made paintings and creative I have seen in contemporary art! I had the opportunity to see the work personally and can say that I shivered! The boldness that Oscar mixed textures and colors so difficult and contrasting. Very vibrant...
Congratulations to you Oscar for the magnificent work and for having shared this with us! - Florence/Italy
Oscar, my friend, You are so deep and thoughtful, and your art has to carry your soul. It is highly impressive by its grace and beauty, and it is for sure immortal. A thousand bravo. - Belchertown, MA
Congratulations to you Oscar for the magnificent work and for having shared this with us...!
LOVE - Italy
I spent almost 5 hours in the Biennale and I always wanted to go back and take another look of the painting. Each time you discover something new in it depending on where you were standing. Somehow what is real becomes united with the un-real and the sensation you get is like waking up from a nice dream...
Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!♥♥♥ - Italy
Oh my God that is ab-so-lute-ly STUNNING! Wow! - France
Uma pintura muito forte e energética - FABULOSO - Brasil
Wonderful!!! Have a very happy Christmas and new year Oscar ! - France
Flawless beauty that makes cry for more!Your art is breathtaking! Bravo!!! Best regards and deepest respects. - Germany
09 - 12 - 14
Dia 13 de Dezembro encerrou a 7ª edição da Bienal de Arte Contemporânea de Florença, em Itália.
Óscar Casares não só caiu no goto dos críticos internacionais, como surpreendeu os visitantes da exposição. Vindos de diversos pontos do globo, fãs da cantora pop Madonna, aguardaram o pintor que marcou presença no dia 5 de Dezembro na Bienal de Florença. “Foi muito gratificante visitar a exposição, conhecer artistas do mundo inteiro e alguns fãs de Madonna” relembra Óscar Casares, que retoma a vida normal após um ano exaustivo dedicado a uma “Modonna nunca antes vista”.
"Um amigo costuma dizer: Quando uma obra de arte agrada a todos, está morta", o certo é que conquistou a maioria.
Imagens da pintura “Virtudes da alma eclipsadas pela diva Madonna” começam a povoar sites na internet e os comentários estão à vista. Tanto o mundo da arte, como fãs da cantora, rendem-se à pintura (com 260 centímetros por 180) que demorou sete meses a executar a um ritmo de 8 a 16 horas por dia.
“Fico muito lisonjeado com o carinho que o público manifesta pelo meu trabalho”, aponta o pintor, referindo-se às observações favoráveis à obra. “Esta experiência vem consolidar um percurso dedicado ao amor pela arte”, acrescenta.
Em Itália alguns meios de comunicação referiram-se à participação de Óscar Casares como “artista de altíssimo nível” e consideraram “a pintura mais importante da exposição”.
“Nunca pensei que a pintura suscitasse tanto interesse no público e reunisse apoiantes de todo o mundo”, objectivo do programa "diálogo entre culturas", das Nações Unidas.
Uma exposição que tinha como propósito reunir em Florença o máximo de artistas e nações, mostrou 2500 obras de arte “ofuscadas” por uma fusão de estilos e uma gélida iluminação, mas onde a vibrante cor vermelha do vestido de Madonna não se deixou apagar.
Com mais um sucesso conquistado, Óscar Casares prepara-se para novos trabalhos. A curto prazo está o leilão da pintura e a selecção da O.N.G. para onde será destinado parte do lucro realizado com a venda da obra de arte.
Thank You
ERNA KALUZA was born in Vienna, Austria, and is a cartoonist by profession. She, as well as her husband Les, worked at the Paramount Studio in New York. In 1964 he settled in Hollywood and worked for Hanna-Barbera on shows like "THE FLINTSTONES", "THE JETSONS", "YOGI BEAR", "JOHNNY QUEST" and many others. Les also produced his own animated shorts, which were shown at Film Festivals all over the world and won several awards.
Erna went through much the same as Les working at the same studios in ink and pain and in animation. Erna’s paintings are colorful and cheery and are in private collections in the USA and Europe. Besides painting, Erna also enjoys writing poetry, essays and short stories.
PATRICIA E. CARÍAS was born in Guatemala, lived in the USA for over 20 years. She has a Masters of Theological Studies from Harvard Divinity School and a Bachelor of Arts in History from the University of California, Berkeley.
NATÁLIA P. VIEIRA is an architect and coordinates artistic and cultural projects. She is dress and costume supervisor for theatre, fashion and cinema. She graduated from Lusíada University.
JOSÉ CARLOS VECHINA is a theologian. He received his degrees from the University of Deusto, Bilbao, and the University of Salamanca, Spain. He is currently an archivist at the OCD, a Catholic organization.
ANTÓNIO PINTO DE MAGALHÃES aka ANTÓNIO ALIJÓ is a painter, interior decorator, curator, scenographer (ballet and theater), restoration architect, graphic designer, artistic director of a decoration magazine, director of photography of interiors. António graduated from the College of Mompelier and National Conservatory.